Showing 16 Result(s)


Trauma from childbirth can be challenging and varies in different types. Many body organs are affected by Pregnant ncy/childbirth. After birth the body need healing for the comfortability and safety of the woman. Proper healing should only leave scars but not damage. Internal body organs such as the uterus(womb)and its muscles are also affected during …


Some children may be unusual in terms of physical, mental psychological and vocational disabilities. Examples of disabilities in children are -Babies born blind, -Hydrocephalus -Down syndrome -Absence of limbs -Mental disabled children -Paralysis etc Causes of child disabilities are from these three stages. 1.PRENATAL CAUSES:These are the challenges that surfaces during pregnancy starting from conception …

14 Danger signs in Pregnancy

During pregnancy there are several signs that may signify an unhealthy state in pregnancy and need immediate attention for the safety of the mother and baby. These are the danger signs to look out for in pregnancy. 1.V*gina bl€€ding irrespective of the quantity. 2.Difficulty in breathing. 3.Fever and chills. 4.Severe abdominal pain. 5.Severe headache or …

How to know signs of true labour

Labour can present with various signs, but the most commonly observed initial sign is painful, regular, rhythmic uterine contractions, characterized by the tightening of the womb accompanied by consistent pain. Recognizing Signs of Labour Initial Sign: Uterine Contractions The onset of labour is often signaled by painful, rhythmic uterine contractions. These contractions gradually intensify over …

Linea Nigra In Pregnancy

Facts About Linea Nigra In Pregnancy

During pregnancy, many women notice the appearance of a dark, longitudinal line on their belly, known as the linea nigra. This natural occurrence is often considered a trademark of pregnancy. Contrary to common belief, the presence or absence of the linea nigra has no connection to the s3x of the baby. The s3x of the …

midwife and pregnant woman

Expectations of Expecting Moms: The Midwife’s Role

Pregnancy is a transformative journey filled with anticipation, joy, and a whirlwind of emotions. Amidst this rollercoaster, one pivotal figure stands as a beacon of support and guidance: the midwife. As expectant mothers navigate the complexities of pregnancy, childbirth, and beyond, their expectations from midwives become paramount. Let’s delve into the profound role midwives play …