Showing 16 Result(s)

Five (5) Simple Postpartum Exercise for Weight Loss

  Exercise is an important aspect of postnatal routine,It helps to maintain a healthy weight. Many women get worried overtime because their body takes so much time to return back to a desired shape after childbirth.Most women who gained so much weight during pregnancy look for a means to loose those weight to maintain good …

16 Reasons Women Use CS To Deliver Their Baby

Cesearean Section(CS) is the delivery of a baby through surgical operation.Many women who pass through this process of delivery sometimes have lots of questions why they should deliver using CS. The basic aim and purpose of caesarean section(CS) is to preserve the life or health of both the mother and baby. We have Two Types …

Best Ways To Plan For a Successful Delivery

The aim of having a successful Delivery depends on a perfect birth plan. A birth plan is a written list of what you would like to happen when you are in labour and after childbirth A pregnant woman making a birth plan is a good way to let your midwife or doctor know what kind …

Eight(8) Foods To Avoid in Pregnancy

Many women consume unhealthy foods during pregnancy without knowing the bad effect of these food in pregnancy. These are unhealthy foods you should avoid in pregnancy; 1.Undercooked or Raw Fish:Like what we see in sushi,canned fish etc.. These type of fish maybe contaminated with parasite which are capable of causing infection leaving the pregnant woman …


Why do I pass urine more often during pregnancy, is it safe? Many women have complained and asked why this happen in pregnancy. The uterus(womb) lie slightly above the bladder which is where the urine is collected,In the early period of pregnancy the growing embryo compresses on the bladder reducing its space and any little …