Morning sickness is one of the commonest symptoms in pregnancy.
The term “morning sickness” is used to describe nausea and vomiting, the name was given because these symptoms are common in the morning.
Its possible to have this symptom any time of the day.
In most cases women do ask if their baby will be badly affected due to the symptoms they are having.
The good news is, your baby is going to be fine.
During an episode of this morning sickness, most women find it difficult to tolerate either food or water,this gives them the fear of not knowing their baby’s state of health.
In a severe case, the mother suffers the effect more before it gets to the baby. The baby will suck life out of the mother before they Suffer from starvation.
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Unveiling the Path to Empowered Motherhood
In as much as morning sickness can be challenging,there are some benefits of Morning sickness in pregnancy.
1.It is a sign your pregnancy is active and progressing.
2.It can be used to diagnose abnormal pregnancy, severe morning sickness can be a sign of molar pregnancy or hyperemesis gravidarum(excessive vomiting in pregnancy)
3.It can also help the mother to remain alert about their pregnancy journey, each day you wake up to experience these disorders,it will give you some conscious and alertive state about your pregnancy.
Morning sickness may subside after the 1st trimesters but for some women it may persist throughout the period of pregnancy.
Report any severe case of vomiting or fluid loss during pregnancy.
If you can’t keep even water down, you need to head to the emergency room for some fluids.
Don’t stay days without eating or drinking, it’s not safe in pregnancy.
Thank you and Safe Delivery.
Joy Eke Ilediagu
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