16 Reasons Women Use CS To Deliver Their Baby

Cesearean Section(CS) is the delivery of a baby through surgical operation.Many women who pass through this process of delivery sometimes have lots of questions why they should deliver using CS.

The basic aim and purpose of caesarean section(CS) is to preserve the life or health of both the mother and baby.

We have Two Types of cs

Elective CS:This is a planned operation,it’s usually done before the woman falls into labour, both the doctor and the woman book an appointment on the day the baby is to be delivered,this happens in some cases where the woman is aware of her health condition which does not guarantee a v*gina delivery or in a case where the woman do not want to pass through v*gina birth

Emergency CS:This is an urgent operation which has not been planned.It is performed in an adverse conditions which may occurs during labour.

Reason/Indications for CS Delivery.

1.A case of cephalopelvic disproportion(CPD); In this condition its either the baby is too big to pass through the woman’s pelvis Or when a woman has naturally an undersized pelvis which may not allow passage of the baby,CS becomes a  safe method of delivery.

2.Major Degree of Placenta Previa e.g type 3 or 4 placenta previa,this is when the placenta is lying abnormally on the lower portion of the uterus, Normally it suppose to lie on the upper segment of the uterus, CS delivery becomes a safer option when this placenta lie below its normal position.

3.Carrying Multiple pregnancy like twins triplet or more.

4.Foetal Malpresentation:When the baby is not lying as it should e.g breach presentation,if the baby is sitting down in the womb or any other position not suitable for v*gina delivery

5.Cervical cancer which complicates the pregnancy is also an indication for CS.

6.Intra-Uterine Growth Retardation;When the growth of the baby is slowed or restricted making the baby to be extremely underweight,delivery of an underweight baby through v*gina may result in birth injury e.g head injury, to avoid this,CS is indicated to achieve a more careful delivery.

7.Moderate to Severe pregnancy Induced hypertension,diabetes and heart diseases.Any of these conditions which surfaced during pregnancy makes CS an indicated method of delivery.

8.Active genital Herpes;Any Woman with an infection of an active genital herpes is indicated for CS delivery because,during vagina delivery the baby may easily contact this infection to avoid this, CS is a safer method of delivery.

9.Previous history of CS or Uterine surgery:In this case,any woman who has undergone CS before is at high risk of passing through another CS in subsequent delivery because of this previous scar,Uterine(womb) rupture is common when there is an existing scar in the womb.

10.Previous Uterine Rupture:Any woman who have had rupture of the uterus in the cause of her previous pregnancy may not be allowed to pass through v*gina

11.Foetal or Maternal Distress in Labour,It’s a situation where the mother or baby condition start to deteriorate in Labour. This is an emergency condition.

12.Failed trail of Labour

13.Failed Induction of Labour.

14.Prolapse of the umbilical cord in 1st stage of labour:When the cord comes out from the v*gina before the baby is delivered,This is an indication for emergency CS especially when labour is not fully established or when it happens in 1st stage of labour.

15.Obstructed labour due to cephalopelvic Disproportio (baby is bigger than the woman’s pelvis) or labour that is obstructed due to fibroid or ovarian tumour.

16.Failure to progress in 1st and 2nd stage of labour.

Note:Caesarean section is also a normal delivery as long as the baby and mother came out alive and healthy.

Safe delivery to all pregnant mothers.

Joy Eke Ilediagu

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