Six(6) Most Common pain In Pregnancy and How to Relief them

Pain is one of the most common complains for pregnant women and how to relief them during pregnancy becomes a priority.

The six(6) Common pains in pregnancy are:

1.Abdominal Pain:This type of pain can be felt in the abdominal region due to expansion of the abdominal muscles to accommodation the growing fetus(baby), it may also come inform of cramps or mild contraction which are very common in pregnancy.

2.Waist pain: May be due to poor posture,wearing of tight clothing,or shoes with hill,etc..all this obstruct normal blood supply to the muscles around the waist causing pain.

3.Pelvic pain:These pain are felt around the pelvic regions,e.g pain in the pubic bone,v*gina ,anal region,etc..the pain may come as a result of hormonal effect on the bones and muscles causing the relaxation of these muscles…when muscles are relaxed, they easily stretch and expand which causes pain, this expansion is to prepare the bones,joints and muscles to make way for the passage of the baby during delivery, pelvic pains are mainly experinced during the last weeks of pregnancy towards delivery.

4.Leg Pain or Cramps:These are pain that focus mainly on the legs, they are due to the weight of the growing uterus(womb) on the legs, the products of conception (baby,amniotic fluid,placenta etc) bears different weight and are carried by the legs and this creates more loads to the legs thus bringing about pains.

5.Headaches:Headache is another type of pain experienced during pregnancy,this occurs due to some hormonal activities taking places in the body and the body trying to adapt to these changes can result to headaches or neck pain.

6.General body pains:This might be due to unnecessary stress during our daily activities , pregnancy requires a lot of rest and when the body is denied of that, it can lead to general body pain.

Ways To Relief Pain During Pregnancy.

A. Maintain a good Posture:Posture contribute to most of the pains experienced in pregnancy, adopt good sleeping positions,wear loose clothes,put on comfortable shoes and avoid high hill shoes,avoid standing for long period,always adopt comfortable position while sitting.

B.Use of warm water;Warm water stimulates blood flow to stiff muscles and frozen joints,bathing with warm water or making a warm tub or pool is an ideal place to do some gentle stretching.

C. Use of Ice packs:You can either use an Ice block tied on a clean towel to gently nab or press on the areas you feel those pains, this helps relief the pain.

D. Taking lots of water:Water keeps the body hydrated and prevent dehydration,When the body lacks water it can expose itself to unnecessary tension.

  1. Above all make yourself happy, maintain a positive mood and do not forget most crown comes with pain,the smile of your little one when you deliver will make you forget all the pains you passed through.

NOTE:Any pain that becomes severe,unusual or unbearable should be reported to the hospital, it might be a sign that something is wrong somewhere, Severe pain is a danger sign in pregnancy.

Remain Blessed and Safe delivery.

Joy Eke Ilediagu

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