Why do I pass urine more often during pregnancy, is it safe?

Many women have complained and asked why this happen in pregnancy.

The uterus(womb) lie slightly above the bladder which is where the urine is collected,In the early period of pregnancy the growing embryo compresses on the bladder reducing its space and any little urine collected will fill the bladder, and then a pressure to pass urine will come, this usually happens before the uterus rises above the pelvis,as the uterus continues to grow, this pressure will be lifted giving the bladder its free space again.

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There is a little relief during the 2nd Trimester of pregnancy when the uterus have been lifted above the bladder.

This feeling of frequent urge to pass urine returns in the 3rd Trimester especially toward the final weeks of pregnancy when the baby’s head descends down the pelvis in preparation for delivery, this also increases pressure on the bladder causing the pregnant woman to feel the urge of passing urine frequently.

Some may even leak urine when they express an involuntary action like coughing, laughing or sneezing,all these are normal at the late stage of pregnancy due to pressure of the uterus to the bladder.

Do not panic when you start noticing any of these signs in pregnancy.

Safe delivery and congratulations in advance.

Joy Eke Ilediagu

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