Some children may be unusual in terms of physical, mental psychological and vocational disabilities.
Examples of disabilities in children are
-Babies born blind,
-Down syndrome
-Absence of limbs
-Mental disabled children
-Paralysis etc
Causes of child disabilities are from these three stages.
1.PRENATAL CAUSES:These are the challenges that surfaces during pregnancy starting from conception and may expose a child to one form of disability or the other. This can be genetic or hereditary,It rises from parents genetic or hereditary build ups,some disabilities runs through genes and can be inherited from parents to their offspring e.g chromosomal abnormalities like Down’s syndrome,sickle cell,muscular dystrophy etc.During the 1st Trimester, effect of radiation e.g exposure to X-Rays or other radiation process like in cancer treatments, anti bodies and drugs can expose the child to risk of being born with an absence of a limb/s
During pregnancy poor maternal Diet, toxemia such as pre-eclampsia or Eclampsia can also cause disability or challenges in a baby,at every stage in pregnancy be mindful of the foods, fluids, and drugs you take.
2.LABOUR AND DELIVERY CAUSES:During labour or delivery, there maybe complications which may expose the child to injuries leading to some disabilities e.g birth injury from difficult delivery such as breech delivery which may lead to shoulder dystocia that may expose the child to risk of dislocation,fracture of the limbs or ebbs paralysis. Fetal distress from a prolonged labour can also lead to asphyxia,abnormal molding or respiratory acidosis in a baby which may cause brain damage exposing the child to some challenges after birth.
3.POST NATAL CAUSES.:These are post delivery causes e.g Inf*ction such as measles,poliomyelitis or complications from prematurity exposes children to disabilities.
The challenged or handicapped child who is unusually poor academically or with any continuing disability of the body,intellect or personality are likely to interfere with the child’s normal growth and development and at times capacity to learn.
From conception to birth and also after birth period is a critical stage in a child’s life that any abnormal role or incidence can expose them to face any form of disability.
Be mindful of the ways you handle any of these stage for the safety and prevention of these conditions.
Thank you.
Joy Eke Ilediagu.