14 Danger signs in Pregnancy

During pregnancy there are several signs that may signify an unhealthy state in pregnancy and need immediate attention for the safety of the mother and baby.

These are the danger signs to look out for in pregnancy.

1.V*gina bl€€ding irrespective of the quantity.

2.Difficulty in breathing.

3.Fever and chills.

4.Severe abdominal pain.

5.Severe headache or blurred vision.

6.Fits or convulsions or loss of consciousness.

7.Labour pain before 37weeks of pregnancy.

8.Severe or persistant vomiting that will make you vomit throughout the day nonstop..it could be a sign of Hyperemesis gravidarum which is an abnormal form of vomiting and it needs a medical attention.

9.Weakness and breathlessness

10.Decrease or absence of fetal(baby)movement.

11.Dysuria(pain while passing urine)

12.Draining of liquor or membrane from the v*gina with or without labour

13.Foul smelling vgina discharge which maybe a sign of infction.

14.Swelling of the face,hands and legs…it might be a sign of hypertension, or pre-eclampsia

Report any of the above mentioned signs to your midwife or doctor during pregnancy

Thank you and stay safe.



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